
This example demonstrates how the bootstrap can be used to explore model uncertainty.

Load R libraries

library(rms)    # for validate function
library(MASS) # for stepAIC

Setting the seed of the random number generator

Use the set.seed() function in R to initialize the random number generator.


Modeling abundance of longnose dace

Read in the data:

dace<- read.csv("data/longnosedace.csv")    


  • acreage = area (in acres) drained by the stream
  • do2 = the dissolved oxygen (in mg/liter)
  • depth = the maximum depth (in cm) of the 75-meter segment of stream
  • no3 = nitrate concentration (mg/liter)
  • so4 = sulfate concentration (mg/liter)
  • temp = water temperature on the sampling date (in degrees C).

Fit a model using all 6 predictors, then use stepAIC to implement backwards selection to choose a “best” model.

## Start:  AIC=511.82
## longnosedace ~ acreage + do2 + maxdepth + no3 + so4 + temp
##            Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
## - so4       1       0.2 102787 509.82
## - do2       1    2165.8 104952 511.24
## <none>                  102787 511.82
## - temp      1    4432.8 107219 512.69
## - maxdepth  1    6638.2 109425 514.08
## - no3       1   11876.0 114663 517.26
## - acreage   1   14230.1 117017 518.64
## Step:  AIC=509.82
## longnosedace ~ acreage + do2 + maxdepth + no3 + temp
##            Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
## - do2       1    2169.2 104956 509.24
## <none>                  102787 509.82
## - temp      1    4447.6 107234 510.70
## - maxdepth  1    6668.3 109455 512.10
## - no3       1   11935.8 114723 515.29
## - acreage   1   14268.0 117055 516.66
## Step:  AIC=509.24
## longnosedace ~ acreage + maxdepth + no3 + temp
##            Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
## - temp      1    2948.0 107904 509.13
## <none>                  104956 509.24
## - maxdepth  1    6108.5 111064 511.09
## - acreage   1   14588.0 119544 516.09
## - no3       1   16501.4 121457 517.17
## Step:  AIC=509.13
## longnosedace ~ acreage + maxdepth + no3
##            Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
## <none>                  107904 509.13
## - maxdepth  1    6058.4 113962 510.84
## - acreage   1   14652.0 122556 515.78
## - no3       1   16489.3 124393 516.80
## Call:
## lm(formula = longnosedace ~ acreage + maxdepth + no3, data = dace)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)      acreage     maxdepth          no3  
##  -23.829067     0.001988     0.336605     8.673044

Bootstrap validation

Validate will use the bootstrap to calculate “honest” measures of model fit. We can also visualize “model uncertainty” in the “best model” by using bw=T (which tells R to use backwards selection to choose the best model). The "*" below indicate, which variables are included in the “optimal model” for each bootstrap replicate.

After applying a backwards model selection algorithm, we end up with a model containing only acreage and no3. The \(R^2\) of this model = 0.24, which describes the variance in longnosedace explained by these two predictors. If we were to apply this same model to a new data set, we would expect the amount of variance that would be explained to be much lower. We can obtain a more “honest” measure of the variance by: a) creating 2 bootstrap data sets (one for model training and one for model testing); b) applying our model selection algorithm to the training data set and calculating the resulting \(R^2\); c) use the same model to predict the response in the bootstrap test data set and use these predictions to calculate a second \(R^2\); d) calculate a measure of “optimism” by subtracting the average \(R^2\) from part c from the average \(R^2\) in part b; e) subtract this estimate of optimism from the \(R^2\) obtained from our original data set. The validate function will do this for us!

fullmod.ols<-ols(longnosedace~acreage+do2+maxdepth+no3+so4+temp,data=dace, x=T, y=T)    
validate(fullmod.ols, bw=T, B=100)
##      Backwards Step-down - Original Model
##  Deleted  Chi-Sq d.f. P      Residual d.f. P      AIC   R2   
##  so4      0.00   1    0.9911 0.00     1    0.9911 -2.00 0.314
##  do2      1.29   1    0.2565 1.29     2    0.5253 -2.71 0.300
##  temp     1.75   1    0.1859 3.04     3    0.3860 -2.96 0.280
##  maxdepth 3.60   1    0.0579 6.63     4    0.1566 -1.37 0.239
## Approximate Estimates after Deleting Factors
##                Coef      S.E.  Wald Z         P
## Intercept -2.861457 1.053e+01 -0.2717 0.7858203
## acreage    0.002325 6.502e-04  3.5754 0.0003497
## no3        9.012197 2.767e+00  3.2573 0.0011246
## Factors in Final Model
## [1] acreage no3
##           index.orig  training      test  optimism index.corrected   n
## R-square      0.2394    0.3390    0.1501    0.1888          0.0505 100
## MSE        1675.9166 1469.3389 1872.5905 -403.2516       2079.1682 100
## g            25.0102   29.8839   23.0645    6.8194         18.1908 100
## Intercept     0.0000    0.0000    7.9427   -7.9427          7.9427 100
## Slope         1.0000    1.0000    0.8019    0.1981          0.8019 100
## Factors Retained in Backwards Elimination
##  acreage do2 maxdepth no3 so4 temp
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## Frequencies of Numbers of Factors Retained
##  1  2  3  4  6 
##  7 50 33  9  1


  1. We see that the different bootstrap samples result in different models being chosen as optimal. The number of predictor variables included ranges from 1 (in 6 models) to 6 (in 1 model).

  2. We see that our original estimate of \(R^2\) (0.24) is likely quite optimistic (our estimate of optimism = 0.20). Thus, we end up with a corrected estimate of \(R^2\) = 0.037 (quite depressing!).